Appropriate antibiotic prescribing for the general
dentist Posted on Friday, November 06, 2009 |
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While it is
important for dental providers to keep current with published antibiotic
guidelines (which may represent standards of care), there remains some
controversy as to the evidence base for the efficacy of these
recommendations. When antibiotics are indicated, their appropriate
prescription remains an important challenge for dental and medical
professionals alike. Received: May
27, 2009 Accepted: June
26, 2009 General
dentists regularly prescribe antibiotics, both to prevent infections or to
manage existing oral or dental infections.1 In dental practice,
antimicrobial agents have three major uses: for prophylaxis in patients
with compromised immune systems caused by certain diseases or medications,
for prophylaxis in patients at risk for developing infective endocarditis
(IE), and for treatment of an acute dental infection.2
Given the
widespread use of antibiotics, national committees representing
authoritative professional groups have made official recommendations
pertaining specifically to the indications described above. While the
first line of treatment remains rigorous oral hygiene and local
debridement as a strategy to decrease oral bacteremia, these organization
guidelines help to minimize the negative effects of overprescribing
antibiotics, including the development of resistant strains, medicolegal
problems for clinicians, allergic reactions to antibiotics, and cost to
the health care system.3-5 Understanding the pathogenesis of
these infections (including the host immune response to bacteremia),
together with the completion of prospective clinical trials, will allow
for more evidence-based decisions concerning the continuation of this
practice for different patient groups. This article
will focus specifically on the quantities and duration of basic antibiotic
prescription. A clinical case report is included to help dentists
recognize and manage patients who may be candidates for antibiotic
therapy. The guidelines
prophylaxis guidelines represent best practices and determine medicolegal
standards, so it is important for dental providers to stay abreast of
current recommendations.6-8 Examples of prophylactic antibiotic
guidelines began when the American Heart Association recommended a
prophylaxis regimen for bacterial (infective) endocarditis in 1955; the
organization’s most current recommendations were issued in
2007.6 The British Cardiac Society and the British Society for
Antimicrobial Chemotherapy also have updated their recommendations for IE
prophylaxis in the last decade (the former in 2004; the latter in 2006).
The ADA and the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons have co-sponsored
an advisory statement concerning antibiotic prophylaxis for dental
patients with total joint replacements; that statement has been in effect
since 2003.9 Although these
recommendations were intended to help guide prophylactic antibiotic use, a
2007 review by Lockhart et al evaluated the evidence concerning patients
with various medical conditions and devices for whom antibiotic
prophylaxis was suggested prior to their undergoing a dental procedure.
For many groups of patients, the authors found that no definitive
scientific basis existed for the use of prophylactic antibiotics before
dental procedures.10 Similarly,
Lauber et al reported
that “the empiric
and broad use of antibiotic prophylaxis is clearly no longer acceptable,
but details regarding responsible prescribing remain problematic and in
the dental community, there has been a general trend toward
overprescribing.”11 Regardless of
these controversies, there remains consonance between the most common
pathogens of concern and the antibiotics that should be
prescribed.12-14 The right drug
considering the three major uses of antimicrobial agents in the practice
of dentistry, it is paramount that dentists understand the most commonly
associated pathogens. Clinical effectiveness in treating an infection is
based on correctly diagnosing the infecting micro-organism(s) and choosing
the most specific and effective antibiotic. Ideally, bacteriologic
assessment should be completed before treatment is started. However,
certain conditions may prevent this from happening. For example,
treatment for an acutely ill patient cannot be delayed for the 48 hours or
more that may be required to learn the results of bacteriologic tests. In
such a situation, the choice of antibiotic must be based initially on the
dentist’s knowledge of the usual causative micro-organisms in a specific
disease entity and the antibiotic to which these organisms normally are
susceptible. Table 1 outlines the predominant cultivable flora found in
various sites of the oral cavity. A variety of
micro-organisms can cause IE, but staphylococci and streptococci account
for the majority of cases. The International Collaboration on
Endocarditis-Prospective Cohort Study identified the microbiologic
etiology in 1,779 patients from 39 medical centers in 16 countries with
definite endocarditis as defined by Duke criteria and reported that
staphylococci were the etiologic agent in 744 cases (42%) and streptococci
in 712 cases (40%).15 However, although Staphylococcus (a
family of Gram-positive cocci) is the most ubiquitous family of organisms
in the normal human flora, they account for less than 0.005% of the normal
oral flora.15-18 Table 2 more closely associates the potential
offending pathogens with the dental indication for antibiotics.19-23
Antibiotics are
broadly categorized according to their spectrum of activity (see Table 3).
Narrow-spectrum antibiotics are effective against either Gram-positive or
Gram-negative micro-organisms but generally are not effective against
both. Extended-spectrum agents affect a variety of Gram-positive and
Gram-negative bacteria, while broad-spectrum antibiotics inhibit both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and, frequently, other bacteria
as well. Although the susceptibility of a given pathogen may fall within
the spectrum of activity for any of several antibiotics, it generally is
best to use the most specific narrow-spectrum antibiotic to which the
micro-organism is susceptible. Narrow-spectrum
antibiotics frequently are more effective than broad-spectrum agents
against specific groups of susceptible micro-organisms. In addition,
narrow-spectrum antibiotics produce less alteration of the normal
microflora (that is, collateral damage), thereby reducing the incidence of
super-infection. It is from these data that the guidelines described above
were designed to help dentists select the appropriate antibiotic for
treatment (see Table 4). The right time
timing is defined in terms of when to begin or discontinue an antibiotic;
this timing is an important consideration for dental practitioners. Again,
consonance exists among published guidelines concerning prophylaxis,
indicating that antibiotics should be initiated 30–60 minutes before the
start of a dental procedure for patients at risk for IE.6-8 A
1990 study by Berney and Francioli was one of the first to scientifically
evaluate the efficacy of single-dose amoxicillin either 30 minutes before
or 30–240 minutes after bacterial challenge in rats with catheter-induced
aortic vegetations.24 The authors verified that while empiric
preoperative antibiotics should be considered the gold standard for IE
prophylaxis, the antibiotic was still effective, even when it was
administered as late as two hours postoperatively. When treating
an acute dental infection, antibiotics should be started as soon as
possible after the performance of any mechanical intervention (such as
incision and drainage). Given the guidelines described above, antibiotic
selection can be made empirically based on the suspected pathogen(s);
however, samples (such as blood, tissue, or sputum) should be obtained
prior to starting the antibiotic to confirm a diagnosis via culture and
sensitivity testing. This bacteriologic assessment can take up to 48 hours
and ideally should be completed before treatment is started; however,
treatment for an acutely ill patient cannot be delayed while awaiting the
results of bacteriologic tests. If an
appropriate antibiotic was chosen empirically, the patient typically will
have defervesced within 48 hours and the culture and sensitivity data will
confirm only that an acceptable antibiotic was chosen. If an
extended-spectrum or broad-spectrum agent was the initial empirical
choice, the dentist may decide to continue therapy or to change to a
narrow-spectrum agent. If the patient’s condition has shown no improvement
within 48 hours, the results of the bacteriological tests should help
guide the prescriber to an alternative therapy. There are fewer
specific indications as to when an antibiotic should be discontinued.
While such criteria may seem self-evident (that is, the medication should
no longer be necessary once the patient is clear of the infection),
patients cannot be relied upon to determine this endpoint independently.
Before discussing treatment duration, the term treatment time must be
defined: Does it refer to the length of time during which the medication
is administered or to the time during which therapeutic concentrations of
medications are maintained at the site of infection? If pharmacodynamic
models are available to determine treatment periods, the second option is
preferred as being clear and measurable. Unfortunately, the science of
pharmacodynamics does not supply the necessary answers concerning
antibacterial therapy; as a result, the duration of therapy is
conventionally described as the amount (length) of time during which the
patient receives antibiotic therapy.25 In a 2007
review, Rubinstein reported that most treatment periods that appear in
textbooks are not supported by scientific evidence. Similarly, treatment
duration recommendations presented in therapeutic guidelines are most
commonly based on expert opinion.25 In an era of increasing
bacterial resistance and rising hospital costs, the necessary duration of
therapies for treating common infections should be re-evaluated. Before
resistance acquisition makes these issues obsolete,
non-industry-sponsored, multicenter studies need to be conducted to
eliminate any potential conflict of interest with the pharmaceutical
industry.25 Recent studies
have examined circulating biomarkers as surrogates for infections, since
the limitations of clinical signs for diagnosing infection are well-known
and non-definitive (for example, fever, increased heart rate, and
leukocytosis).26 Calorimetry, the multiplex polymerase chain
reactions of blood specimens, and biomarkers (especially procalcitonin)
can significantly improve the diagnosis of bloodstream infections—possibly
before clinical or classical laboratory manifestations—and thus can help
dentists to better determine when to start or stop antimicrobial treatment
(Chart 1).26 Until such testing becomes more widespread and
economically viable, dentists have the option of counseling patients to
either stop their antibiotic prescriptions 48 hours after symptom
resolution or to take all of the medicine as prescribed until the course
of antibiotics is finished. While
instructing patients to stop their prescription 48 hours after symptom
resolution is preferable (to limit their exposure to antibiotics), the
prescriber may feel that the patient is incapable of determining the exact
time of symptom resolution and thus is unable to determine the appropriate
time to discontinue therapy. In such instances, patients should be
counseled to simply complete the prescription as originally written. In
either case, the prescriber must consider the possibility of failure or
relapse or the development of resistance, adverse effects, or
superinfection when determining the optimal duration of therapy. According
to the literature, shorter antibiotic treatment courses are becoming the
standard of care, since there is strong evidence to suggest that reduced
antibiotic usage results in fewer complications while still providing
similar outcomes.25,27 Route and
dosing intervals While the
guidelines described above clearly delineate the best choices for either
antibiotic prophylaxis or treatment, ranges often are recommended when
selecting an individualized dosing scheme. Although standard doses are
effective in most patients, interpatient variability in medication
response should be considered on a case-by-case basis (Chart 2). Again,
when determining the optimal dosing regimen, the prescriber must consider
the possibility of failure or relapse versus the development of
resistance, adverse effects, or superinfection. For example, using
low-dose penicillins to treat respiratory infections for longer periods
than necessary is associated with an increased rate of Streptococcus
pneumoniae resistance to penicillin.28
The oral cavity
is not exempt from bacterial resistance to antibiotics. Although
approximately 10% of common antibiotics (including penicillins,
cephalosporins, macrolides, and tetracyclines) are prescribed in dental
medicine, dentistry’s contribution to the development of antibiotic
resistance may be substantial.29 Numerous studies have reported
the existence of antibiotic-resistant and even multiresistant oral
bacteria.30,31 The emergence of resistance in the oral
microflora is almost certainly linked in large part to the improper use of
antibiotics, in terms of either dosage (duration of treatment too long or
dose too weak) or indication. The literature has demonstrated an
association between the prevalence of resistant bacterial strains at
subgingival sites and the consumption of antibiotics.32
In most cases,
antibiotics for treating periodontitis are prescribed empirically, which
may result in inappropriate treatment and lead to the development of
bacteria that are resistant to one or more antibiotics. The use of
doxycycline, for example, at subantimicrobial concentrations as an adjunct
to scaling and root planing also has raised questions with regard to the
development of antibiotic-resistant bacterial flora.33-36
Thomas et al reported that
long-term use of subinhibitory concentrations of doxycycline did not
contribute to a change in the antibiotic susceptibility of the subgingival
microflora.37 Additional studies are required to confirm that
oral bacteria that are in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of
doxycycline for long periods do not develop bacterial
resistance.37 Since the
primary goal of antimicrobial therapy is to provide adequate drug
concentrations at the site of infection that will achieve bacterial
eradication and clinical cure, loading doses often are suggested (for
example, administering 600 mg of oral penicillin immediately, followed by
300 mg every six hours). This loading dose (also known as front loading)
maximizes drug exposure at a time when the bacterial burden is likely to
be high. This practice drives up the 24-hour area under the
concentration-time curve to minimum inhibitory concentration (AUC:MIC)
ratio, which is the pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic (PK/PD) parameter that
best predicts the efficacy of most antibiotics.38
Doern and Brown
reported that drug exposure can fluctuate greatly among patients receiving
the same antibiotic regimen.39 As a result, dosing regimens
based solely on mg/kg values may be inadequate for determining the target
drug concentrations that best correlate with bacterial eradication and
clinical cure. A more accurate
approach for determining appropriate dosing regimens and optimal drug
exposure involves integrating the PK/PD parameters of a drug to determine
its antimicrobial efficacy. Another important aspect of the integrated
PK/PD approach is the ability to more accurately predict whether a dosing
regimen is likely to induce bacterial resistance. Typical loading doses
usually are twice the antibiotic’s usual dose (for example, 600 mg of
clindamycin taken orally immediately, followed by 300 mg taken orally
three times per day). The right
patient and the right procedure This evidence
and these guidelines should ensure that dentists select the right drug, in
the right dose, at the right time. Ultimately, though, clinicians must
determine whether they are treating the right patient. While the
individual characteristics described in Chart 2 can help dentists to
determine the most effective dose of a medication for a specific patient,
other considerations (such as the patient’s pregnancy status, allergy
history, ability to manage side effects, socioeconomic status, and level
of compliance) all need to be considered. For example, if
a patient is unlikely to comply with the prescription of choice for most
dental infections (500 mg of amoxicillin taken orally three times a day),
a dentist might better ensure compliance by prescribing 500 mg of
azithromycin immediately, followed by 250 mg orally once a day for four
days. Some penicillins, such as penicillin V potassium and amoxicillin,
generally are considered to be safe for use in non-allergic patients
during pregnancy and are frequently used for susceptible organisms
commonly encountered in this setting. By contrast, the FDA cited
moxifloxacin (Avelox, Bayer Pharmaceuticals) as a pregnancy Category C
drug, meaning that no controlled studies have been performed in women,
while studies in animals have revealed adverse effects on the fetus
(teratogenic, embryocidal, or other), or that studies involving women and
animals are not available. Such drugs should be administered only if the
potential benefit justifies the potential risk to the
fetus.40,41 Case report
An 88-year-old
woman had a chief compliant of “pain and swelling” localized to the left
mandibular teeth. Her medical history was significant for depression,
hyper-cholesterolemia, and peripheral neuropathy. Her medications included
gabapentin (Neurontin, Pfizer, Inc.), sertraline (Zoloft, Pfizer, Inc.),
ezetimibe (Zetia, Merck), propranolol (Inderal, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals),
amytriptyline (Elavil), celecoxib (Celebrex, Pfizer Inc.), and
hydrocodone/APAP (Lorcet). The patient reported no drug allergies but
noted a gastrointestinal intolerance to aspirin. Blood pressure taken
before treatment was 137/85 mmHg. The patient’s
remaining dentition (teeth No. 21–24) was examined clinically and
radiographically (Fig. 1). Tooth No. 22 was sensitive to percussion and
palpation and the radiograph showed a perapical radiolucency. Mild
swelling of the buccal vestibule associated with tooth No. 22 was noted.
After discussing treatment options and receiving informed consent, root
canal therapy was initiated and completed without complication.
Postoperatively, the patient was given a prescription of amoxicillin (500
mg, to be taken orally three times a day for seven days). A follow-up
conversation with the patient confirmed that she had filled the
prescription and completed it as indicated without incident.
The patient
returned one month later for re-evaluation of tooth No. 22; at that time,
she reported mild sensitivity but all other symptoms had resolved
following the previous visit. However, six days after the re-evaluation,
the patient returned to the office for an emergency appointment, claiming
to once again feel extreme pain in the left mandible (Fig. 2). Intraoral
swelling of the buccal vestibule adjacent to teeth No. 21–23 was present;
in addition, extraoral swelling was present along the patient’s left
chin/lower border of the mandible. Clindamycin (300 mg, taken orally) was
prescribed immediately; this was to be followed by 150 mg, taken three
times a day for 10 days. Three days
after starting the clindamycin, the patient returned to the office,
complaining of intolerable pain from the area around tooth No. 22. No
significant change was noted in symptoms; intra- and extraoral swelling
were still present and the patient reported spontaneous and continuous
pain. Local anesthesia was administered in preparation for incision and
drainage. Profound anesthesia was difficult to achieve due to obvious
signs of infection in the area; however, drainage was achieved and the
swelling improved almost immediately after copious amounts of pus and
blood were expressed. At this time, the antibiotic regimen was switched to
150 mg clindamycin and 500 mg metronidazole, which were to be taken
concurrently four times a day. Two days after
the incision and drainage, the patient was contacted via telephone and
reported that the swelling was reduced and her pain could now be
controlled with acetaminophen and ibuprofen. Her only complaints were
watery diarrhea and stomach discomfort since increasing the frequency of
clindamycin. The antibiotic regimen was changed to penicillin V potassium
(500 mg, taken four times a day for 10 days). At a two-week follow-up
appointment, the patient reported no pain or discomfort and the affected
area appeared to be healing within normal limits. Discussion
This case
report highlights many of the teaching points reviewed in this article. In
the case of the patient’s first prescription, empiric therapy with
amoxicillin was appropriately prescribed for the suspected pathogens and
her symptoms resolved rapidly. The patient also demonstrated excellent
compliance with this prescription by taking the medication as prescribed.
When the
patient returned a month later with similar symptoms, the dentist chose to
prescribe a different antibiotic (clindamycin), perhaps after concluding
that this recurrence was due to latent pathogens that had not been cleared
by the initial amoxicillin prescription. In fact, amoxicillin is a potent
bactericidal antibiotic; given its effectiveness a month earlier, a repeat
prescription would have been prudent. By comparison, clindamycin is only
bacteriostatic and has a narrower spectrum of activity, which resulted in
treatment failure and forced the patient to return within three days
complaining of intolerable pain from the area around the
tooth.25 After incision
and drainage, the antibiotic prescription was amended to increase the
frequency of the clindamycin with the addition of metronidazole. This
combination offers a wider spectrum of activity (Gram-positive,
Gram-negative, and anaerobic coverage) compared to clindamycin alone,
coupling two antibiotics that work by different mechanisms of action
(metronidazole also is bactericidal). The patient reported being much
improved within two days but complained of watery diarrhea and stomach
discomfort (potential precursor symptoms of antibiotic-induced colitis).
Since the patient had begun to defervesce, the clinician made the final
antibiotic change (to penicillin alone) and the affected area healed.
The prescribing
guidelines for cases similar to the one presented here continue to
emphasize a select few antibiotics as the drugs of choice. A plethora of
experience and evidence has helped dentists to define the likely pathogens
of concern and bactericidal penicillins such as penicillin V potassium and
amoxicillin are still considered the mainstays of therapy for most
patients.1,2 Metronidazole is a potent anti-anaerobic
antibiotic but it has such a narrow spectrum of activity that it seldom is
effective by itself when prescribed empirically. There also is no PK/PD
advantage to prescribing this medication more frequently than twice a day
for oral infections.43 Similarly, there is no PK/PD advantage
to prescribing clindamycin more frequently than three times a
day.44 Summary
practices for certain medical and dental situations, as well as the
development of antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria, could be greatly
abated by paying closer attention to basic principles of prescription
writing. A review of the current guidelines and evidence to date shows
that all dentists should be able to achieve the goal of antibiotic
therapy, to assure selection of the right drug at the right time and at
the right dose for the right patient and the right procedure.
information Dr. Goodchild
is a clinical associate professor, Department of Oral Medicine, University
of Pennsylvania School of Dental Medicine in Philadelphia, and a clinical
assistant professor in the Division of Oral Diagnosis, Department of
Diagnostic Sciences, New Jersey Dental School in Newark. Dr. Donaldson is
Director of Pharmacy Services, Kalispell Regional Medical Center in
Kalispell, Montana; a clinical professor, School of Pharmacy, University
of Montana in Missoula; and a clinical assistant professor, School of
Dentistry, Oregon Health & Sciences University in Portland.
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